Saturday, September 11, 2010

Back in the 802

Had a fabulous visit with my family. It was really great to see so many of them in one week! Now I'm in the NEK - I drove back here after my flight yesterday so I could fetch my little doggy, but ended up staying the night because I was so exhausted! Charlie woke me up around 4AM just to check in and say "hey, hi! You're here! I'm here! Let's cuddle!" It was cute.

Now he's currently hanging out under his tree in the front yard - he's got a big tree that he likes to just sit and nap under.

Mom says that although he was fine while I was gone, his eyes seemed to get a little dark. Yesterday after I arrived home... I guess his eyes weren't so dark and sad anymore. My little boy!

Friday, September 3, 2010

Later East Coast...

Well only for the long weekend, basically. I don't have too much time to write this because I'm about to meet up with some family, but I traveled way over to Seattle to visit the fam out here! My little cousin just graduated from USMC and is home for a 10 day base leave, so I wanted to come out to see him all grown up!

My flights were fine (well, the first one was reallyyyy bumpy...). I cried when I said goodbye to Charlie. I'm leaving him with my parents for the time being, so he's totally fine and safe, but man oh man that was so hard to leave him. I cried for a good half an hour on the car ride back to Burlington. I'm OK now, of course, but I miss him SO much! But I'm really glad to be out with the family.

More updates later, gotta run!!