Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Sorry for the lack of posts!

I have been so busy this semester that I just didn't have time to blog. BOO!

But I wanted to take some time to catch y'all up on what's going on.

Charlie is doing fabulous - he is so much better on walks now, and instead of cowering away from people he is overtly friendly and likes to walk up to them and say hello! He still gets nervous when new people come into the house, but overall he's getting to know all of my friends and loves their company.

Charlie still absolutely hates going into his crate... I think it's because he knows it means that I'm leaving. I do everything I can to make it easier for him - I don't make a big deal about it, I don't get nervous about it, I leave him fresh water, treats, and even a sweatshirt of mine in there with him. He still just can't stand it. Anytime I leave, he would much rather go with me and wait in the car than stay at home alone. I want to begin training him to just stay outside of his crate while I'm gone, because I do think that will relieve some of his stress. But even when I'm here he tends to gnaw on things he shouldn't!

In fact, over the last couple of weeks I have lost four pairs of socks, a pair of leggings, two pairs of undies, and my Marc Jacobs designer arm warmers... grrr!! He has jaws of steel - he will chew up toys like I've never seen. Even his big black Kong is starting to show some wear! Goodness gracious...

But, our little life here is great. When I cook breakfast in the morning, I always make a bit extra so he can have some as well. He loves helping me study (well, he likes to paw at my hands when I'm typing a paper, or sprawl across my textbooks and notebooks when I have a midterm...)

And at the moment, I have an awful, awful cold and am stuck in bed... which is he is just ecstatic about! Andy and Truman helped take care of me yesterday and Charlie was overjoyed that he got to spend the day with his mom, his brother, and his uncle :-D

Well, I'm off to head back to sleep. I feel like my head is a balloon!

Hope everyone is enjoying this GORGEOUS fall that we have this year!

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