Thursday, November 4, 2010

It sure is chilly!

There was frost on the ground yesterday morning - it's so hard to believe that it's already getting cold enough for frost and snow on the mountaintops. I can't wait for Charlie to see snow for the first time.

I've been doing quite a bit of online work for classes and Charlie absolutely hates it when I'm on my computer for too long. He starts pawing at my hands and the keyboard, or he'll literally stand over me with his belly in front of the computer screen just looking at me like, uhmm, so, can you get off now and play? He's getting so big and he's really in to wrestling or playing chase in the house. It's hilarious to see him run around chasing his kong when I throw it on a wooden floor - he slips and slides all over the place! It's really cute, and I probably shouldn't laugh.

Although the weather changes have also stressed him out a bit (or perhaps it's something else) he was quite needy the other day - he army crawled his way under the covers and all the way up so he his head was on my pillow with me. He's been quite glued to my legs, too. Last night he was particularly whiney and whimpery- it started to stress me out a little because I couldn't figure out why he was so upset. I took him outside two or three times in case he had to go, nothing happened. He just kept sitting up and staring around and whining! He finally curled up next to me and settled down, but I wasn't sure what was going on. He seems fine this morning, just a little sleepy. His eating habits and digestive track is all in working order, so I think he was just a little anxious last night. Changes in the weather, there was a skunk hanging around outside, my schedule changed a bit this week... it could have been any number of things! Who knows, but at least he's fine now, as you can see.

Having him around makes it so difficult for me to go to work sometimes, or to class... when we're not outside or at the dog park, we lounge around on my futon couch and cuddle. And when you wake up and it's chilly and you're warm and you have a furry friend stretched out next to you, man oh man it is the worst thing in the world to have to leave that!

Staring contest. I won, he totally winked.

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