Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Whoa - we're still here!

Once again, I've completely neglected this blog. Life has gotten crazier and crazier, in the most positive ways possible. So I'm going to give a very short summary of what's going on these days!

Charles and I are still doing just great - though this weather has gotten Charlie quite antsy. He's not a huge fan of snow, I've discovered. That's fine by me, because I'm not either! I can't wait for it to warm up and have all of this snow melt.

I'm dating the most wonderful, sweet boy I've ever met. I met him at work, and we hung out on New Years Eve, and since then it's just taken off. It all just feels right. I've never been in a healthy relationship, so this is all overwhelming and new sometimes, but in a very perfect sort of way. So that's taken up a lot of my time. He's not a huge fan of dogs, but he's very good to Charlie - whenever he cooks for me (he's a chef) he always brings enough steak so that Charlie can have some, too. It's really cute.

I've bitten off a bit more than I can chew this semester. I'm taking a grad course and although it's not particularly demanding week to week, there is a massive, MASSIVE project due by the end of the semester, which is just looming before me. So it's been an intense semester and it's only early March, but it's also flying by! I can't wait until summertime...

Sadly, my little Minnie dog had to be put down in February. She was not only very old, but her heart was just on its last leg. Apparently it was surrounded by fluid and wasn't working properly, and it would cut off blood flow to her brain, which explains all the "seizures" she was having. It was so sad - I was heartbroken that I couldn't be there. But we have her ashes and my parents are going to wait until I get home to spread them. She was such a good doggy, I've had her since the 3rd grade. She had a very good, long run.

I don't really have any other news. My parents recently adopted a dog from Golden Huggs! He's incredibly sweet - his name is Bo! He's SO cute and he's doing very well!

So all is well. Except that I need winter to be over with! Ridiculous weather.

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