Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Houston, We Have a Problem

Charlie was so restless last night around midnight - he kept crawling up onto the bed and sitting in front of the window - at one point he tried to crawl out! I wasn't sure what exactly he wanted and I thought he was just getting into some trouble and wanting to go play outside. But then I noticed he was panting - and it was a very cool evening last night.

So I took him outside and the poor baby is having an awful time with his little intestines. I had to take him out again at about 2:20AM, and another at 5:30AM and again at about 9AM. Not that you really needed to know any of that, I just need to share because I'm exhausted from not having slept a full night.

I'm pretty sure it's whipworm - he was tested for that before and low and behold! He was blessed with their presence. Little bastards.

Of course, I should be rational and realize that he's going to be just fine and that I just need to make a quick stop at the vet - instead my nerves have gone to the fiery pit of motherhood hell.

That's the special place in hell for nerves of a new mom

And so now I'm getting ready for night numba 2 and praying that he's not going to need to venture out at 2AM again. Because lemme tell ya - a 2AM trip in the dark in the middle of nowhere while it's raining is terrifying. I had the pleasure of running into a small dead turtle along the way. Thanks, Cory, for bringing that one home for us. [ Just a disclaimer: he didn't kill the turtle, our neighbors massive field mower did. Sad :( ]

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Good Dog Charlie

Come Charlie.

Sit Charlie.

Stay Charlie... Charlie... Charlie!

Oh hi, hey, hi!

We're still working on the "Stay" aspect of training. And Zephyr is still working on her hospitality skills. She just keeps looking at me like, "are you kidding me? You didn't clear this one with me..." All in good time...

Cetonia Aurata

You know, I really love coming out to visit the folks the country, but I have an awful time dealing with all these bugs.

Out in the back yard we've got lots of plants and vegetation - and on our porch dad is growing grapes, so we've got this huge leafy green vines all over the place. There are these nasty, nasty green bugs called Rose Chafers - The Bug From Hell (okay not their real nickname, that's just what I call them).

You can never spot them, but they ALWAYS spot you. And then they cling. AND DON'T LET GO. Those mofos chew our grape vines, too, did I mention that? And they're horny as all hell - they're always mating!

Do you see those legs? Those are legs from hell.

Anyway, I was just outside with Mr. Charles to enjoy the beautiful weather and work on some leash training. He was doing really well and responding, and I was about to take us all inside because they were getting too hot, when I felt something crawling on mah bum! Low and behold there was one of those gross green bugs and it latched on to me and even after running inside another one of those god damn buggers was crawling on my back!


In other news, Charlie is starting to really pick up his name! And he's getting into the habit of anticipating when I'm going to ask him to sit.

Such a good boy :-)


So yesterday I took Charlie and Cory out - Cory of course runs around without a leash as he's seven and doesn't stray too far.

He's also a lab and we all know how labs are - curious, playful, NOSY.

So I'm walking under the apple trees with Charlie and we're minding our own business. Cory is several feet away and I can hear his big mouth snapping open and shut as he chases and attempts to eat flies...

...or so I thought they were flies. The next thing I know I see four or five of them circling Cory, but he seems fine and I dismiss the idea that they're bees. Oh boy was I wrong. Just a few seconds later I hear the poor thing bark/yelp and he runs over behind me - a trail of nasty digger wasps right behind him. Having a horrible history with bees and wasps I high tailed it into the house - herding the two boys in front of me like a frantic mother.

Cory, of course, is totally fine but has a few stings on his nose and mouth. And he won't let us put a cold compress or baking soda on it - but he seems much better today.

Needless to say, we won't be heading down to hang out under the apple trees for quite some time.

Monday, June 28, 2010

I'm ready for my closeup

Just received an email from Golden Huggs - apparently Charlie (formerly known as Eisenhower, or Ike) makes an appearance on Last Chance Highway on Animal Planet!

So keep an eye out for my golden baby :-)

Meet Charlie

This is my new (and first) dog: Charlie. Well, not my first dog, but he's actually mine as opposed to my family's. He was rescued off the streets down south and sent to a kill shelter before Golden Huggs, a fabulous non-profit golden lab rescue organization, saved him from the shelter and sent him into foster up north - where I met him and fell head over heels.

He is, without a doubt, one of the sweetest dogs I have ever met. He barely makes a peep, but more and more I see him breaking out of his shell. He's actually starting to bark like a real dog, and he's playing more than when I first met him just a couple weeks ago.

He's just starting to get used to "Come!" and "Sit!" and "No!" but he's great on a leash. He's kind of like a little kid with A.D.D. so treats are an absolute MUST.

It breaks my hear to think about what he went through before now - when he eats he lies down and that's a sign of a beaten down dog. It's too sad! But he's slowly gaining more confidence, and he knows he's safe now.

And so my journey begins. I have so much to teach him, and I know he has things to teach me and I can't wait to strengthen our already developing bond.

Stay tuned.