He is, without a doubt, one of the sweetest dogs I have ever met. He barely makes a peep, but more and more I see him breaking out of his shell. He's actually starting to bark like a real dog, and he's playing more than when I first met him just a couple weeks ago.
He's just starting to get used to "Come!" and "Sit!" and "No!" but he's great on a leash. He's kind of like a little kid with A.D.D. so treats are an absolute MUST.
It breaks my hear to think about what he went through before now - when he eats he lies down and that's a sign of a beaten down dog. It's too sad! But he's slowly gaining more confidence, and he knows he's safe now.
And so my journey begins. I have so much to teach him, and I know he has things to teach me and I can't wait to strengthen our already developing bond.
Stay tuned.

You have done a good deed.