Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Cetonia Aurata

You know, I really love coming out to visit the folks the country, but I have an awful time dealing with all these bugs.

Out in the back yard we've got lots of plants and vegetation - and on our porch dad is growing grapes, so we've got this huge leafy green vines all over the place. There are these nasty, nasty green bugs called Rose Chafers - The Bug From Hell (okay not their real nickname, that's just what I call them).

You can never spot them, but they ALWAYS spot you. And then they cling. AND DON'T LET GO. Those mofos chew our grape vines, too, did I mention that? And they're horny as all hell - they're always mating!

Do you see those legs? Those are legs from hell.

Anyway, I was just outside with Mr. Charles to enjoy the beautiful weather and work on some leash training. He was doing really well and responding, and I was about to take us all inside because they were getting too hot, when I felt something crawling on mah bum! Low and behold there was one of those gross green bugs and it latched on to me and even after running inside another one of those god damn buggers was crawling on my back!


In other news, Charlie is starting to really pick up his name! And he's getting into the habit of anticipating when I'm going to ask him to sit.

Such a good boy :-)

1 comment:

  1. Such nasty little critters! I was at your house, and yes, yes!! There they were, on the grapevines in my hair, on my arm, and they don't shake off--nasty little clingy legs! I can't stand spiky clingy legs!!! Kill the bastards!!!
    And all they do is fuck and make more of themselves---eeeeeeewwwwwww!
