Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Houston, We Have a Problem

Charlie was so restless last night around midnight - he kept crawling up onto the bed and sitting in front of the window - at one point he tried to crawl out! I wasn't sure what exactly he wanted and I thought he was just getting into some trouble and wanting to go play outside. But then I noticed he was panting - and it was a very cool evening last night.

So I took him outside and the poor baby is having an awful time with his little intestines. I had to take him out again at about 2:20AM, and another at 5:30AM and again at about 9AM. Not that you really needed to know any of that, I just need to share because I'm exhausted from not having slept a full night.

I'm pretty sure it's whipworm - he was tested for that before and low and behold! He was blessed with their presence. Little bastards.

Of course, I should be rational and realize that he's going to be just fine and that I just need to make a quick stop at the vet - instead my nerves have gone to the fiery pit of motherhood hell.

That's the special place in hell for nerves of a new mom

And so now I'm getting ready for night numba 2 and praying that he's not going to need to venture out at 2AM again. Because lemme tell ya - a 2AM trip in the dark in the middle of nowhere while it's raining is terrifying. I had the pleasure of running into a small dead turtle along the way. Thanks, Cory, for bringing that one home for us. [ Just a disclaimer: he didn't kill the turtle, our neighbors massive field mower did. Sad :( ]

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