Friday, July 23, 2010


I think for the next two weeks my life will be chaos. And as I write this I'm watching a baby finch fly around our house - the little thing somehow ended up in our living room this morning and although both doors to the house are open, she can't quite figure out how to get out. And she won't let us near her to help her out - oivey!

Anyway, I just got back from spending a couple of days in Burly at my apartment - not the new one, the one I've had for the last two years. The 'rents are going on vacay, and I'm left trying to pack myself up. Which is totally fine - I've moved so many times in my life, this is routine by now. Anyway, I have to house sit/dog sit while they are gone, so the week I'm moving I have to head back and forth to watch the dogs/clean and pack up the apartment. To make my life easier, I've packed up my entire room in two days - holy cow! I took little Charles with me which was great because I had to chance to walk him around the "big city" AND I had the chance to socialize him with people. A ton of my friends were in and out to say hi to me and meet the doggie (I also have roommates, which is great) and everyone has been so, so sweet with him! They recognize immediately that he's a nervous little boy and they get right down on the ground with him, and the next thing ya know he's on their lap and they won't leave him alone. It's so cute and he's loving all the attention! Thank goodness all my friends are animal people :)

Anyway, I get the keys to my new place next week which is VERY exciting! So I can't wait to start moving stuff in there! Such big changes, this is crazy...

Hope everyone is staying cool and enjoying this break in the heat.

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