Sunday, July 11, 2010

Coffee Coffee Coffee

As I write this I am gulping down coffee like it's the elixir of life. Charlie and I had such a long night last night, I feel as though it was surreal.

Mom and I took him out at about 11 last night, just before we went to bed, and he had a lovely solid little poop. Who knew that my world would begin revolving around when my dog would poop?

I couldn't quite settle down, but I attempted to put the both of us to bed. And at about 12:45 he had to go out - and his diarrhea struck again! I was very concerned, but I was hoping it wasn't going to be a long night.

Not only did he have to go out just about every hour, like clockwork, but I also couldn't go to sleep because my nerves were so wired. And several things occurred the remainder of the night...

At about 3:30 when I took him out I dropped the flashlight into a hole that Cory has dug beneath our porch - and I couldn't reach it. Then I was really startled by a very large toad hopping around my mom's garden, which was quite unpleasant. It was so misty I couldn't see anything. Then we got back inside, and I had turned the light off, something in my gut told me to turn the light on and look at him. And when I did I saw a nasty tick crawling on his hind leg! I HATE TICKS. They are so disgusting - so I grabbed it with a piece of cardboard that was in the trash, and I squished it with all my might.. and of course it didn't die, because the only thing that will kill a damn tick is flushing him down a toilet. So I raced into the bathroom and threw that dirty thing in the toilet and flushed - and of course, it didn't go down and it was just swimming around taking a little bath. It finally went down, and then I woke my poor mother up to check my hair and skin to see if I had one crawling on me. I also gave the doggie a full body check. I felt like my skin was crawling!

I still couldn't get to sleep, but then at about 5 I drifted off - only to be awoken about ten minutes later by Charlie. I took the poor thing out again - and in the process I walked into a massive spiderweb under one of our trees. And then as we were walking back into the house I noticed that he got some poop on his leg! So I had to wash it all off with the hose - which he hated. Which I hated.

I finally got to sleep around 6:30AM.

What a night. If he doesn't clear up by tonight, I think we're going to have to take another trip to the vet... :-/

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