Thursday, July 8, 2010

Heat Waaaave


I'm sure everyone knows this, is saying this, is thinking this. But seriously, it really is. These heat indexes are just unbearable, and there is no wind.

And I was just reading today that over in Burlington this heat and lack of wind is causing some algae to grow and blossom at an exponential rate - this is not only bad for people to swim in (remember two years ago when everyone broke out in nasty rashes from swimming in Lake Champlain?), but also fatally toxic to dogs. About ten years a little over ten dogs died from swimming in water where this algae blossomed.

But, we're keeping up our spirits over here in lil' ole Peacham. I was out with little Charlie today and mom and I noticed that some light and some life is starting to sparkle in his little eyes! It's so wonderful. He was outside just trotting so proudly around the lawn, rolling around on the grass, playing fetch, exploring the garden. We have a vent where warm air blows out from the dryer and walked up to it and just stood their cocking his head side to side trying to figure out what it was!

It's almost like he finally knows he's home. He used to have those sad, sad eyes, and now he seems so joyful and puppy like! It makes training awful hard, but it's all worthwhile and it's all so worth it. Just to see him go from a silent, tired, listliss dog to a happy, curious pup is amazing! I did some research as well to determine his breed(s) and I am almost positive he is part husky part lab (well, we knew he was part lab). So he's very independent like a husky (and has those lighter stripes around his neck and shoulders that a husky would, as well as thicker fur and the curled tail) and a lover like a lab (and he's slowly becoming more curious and friendly, too).

Even just now he was racing around the house with his little kong and then his rope. I went downstairs to feed to my rats (we have to keep them down there in this heat - it's just too hot upstairs for those poor sweethearts) and Charlie raced down there after me and proceeded to RUN all over the place, and jump on and off the couch. He did that dog "LET'S PLAY LET'S PLAY!" thing where they get down on their front legs and jump whenever you move. It's so adorable - he's turning into quite the jumper, too!!

It's too hot mooommm! I needed to cool off...

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